CCATCM Student Clinic

Ccatcm services

Specialized Services

Hello! My name is Connie Berg, I am a dedicated student of Acupuncture from Moose Jaw, Saskatchewan. My mission as a practitioner is to enhance your quality of life by alleviating pain, addressing symptoms, and ensuring you leave each session feeling empowered and cared for. Whether your discomfort stems from physical tension or emotional stress, I bring a compassionate and personalized approach to every treatment.

Fire cupping is my favourite therapy to receive, as it eases my own chronically tense muscles, while acupuncture is my passion to deliver because it allows me to uniquely tailor care for every individual.

I look forward to guiding you on your wellness journey and helping you experience the remarkable benefits of Traditional Chinese Medicine.

Hello! My name is Connie Berg, I am a dedicated student of Acupuncture from Moose Jaw, Saskatche... Read More

Born and raised in Newfoundland and Labrador, Jessica Burt is in her final year of acupuncture studies and is dedicated to helping others feel their best. She believes in taking the time to truly listen to her patients and works alongside them to support their health and well-being.

In the student clinic, Jessica values creating a calm and welcoming space where patients feel cared for and understood. She offers a variety of treatments, including acupuncture, cosmetic acupuncture, fire cupping, and gua sha, tailoring each session to meet her patients’ unique needs—whether addressing pain, stress, or overall wellness.

Jessica is committed to providing compassionate care and helping her patients find balance and relief in their daily lives.

Born and raised in Newfoundland and Labrador, Jessica Burt is in her final year of acupuncture st... Read More

Hello, I am in my final year of CCATCM and loving my time here and elevating my knowledge around a holistic approach to healing the human body utilizing the modalities we are being taught at the college. Please join me on this journey of health and wellness. Cheers

Hello, I am in my final year of CCATCM and loving my time here and elevating my knowledge aroun... Read More

Welcome! I look forward to working with you.

Welcome! I look forward to working with you. Read More

Hello - I’m a nature enthusiast, a plant person and an animal lover. I believe feeling good both physically and mentally are huge contributors to being healthy and happy. I’d love to share and apply the knowledge I have received in Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine to help you feel better.

Hello - I’m a nature enthusiast, a plant person and an animal lover. I believe feeling good both ... Read More

The Wisdom of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine lies in the whisper of your body’s natural rhythm.

The Wisdom of Acupuncture and Traditional Chinese Medicine lies in the whisper of your body’s nat... Read More

Practicing TCM under the guidance of my family since I was young, I always believe that we can protect our health in many different forms easily. Let me help you take care of your health today with TCM’s unique and effective therapies. I can speak English and Vietnamese

Practicing TCM under the guidance of my family since I was young, I always believe that we can pr... Read More

Passionate about complementary and ancient healing practices for physical and mental health. Fascinated by the wisdom of nature and the innate healing abilities of the human body. Striving to combine the ancient practices with the modern world.

Passionate about complementary and ancient healing practices for physical and mental health. Fa... Read More

Hi, I’m Matthew, a student of TCM. I’m eager to use acupuncture and its complementary modalities to help you however we can.

Hi, I’m Matthew, a student of TCM. I’m eager to use acupuncture and its complementary modalities ... Read More

I’m Sheila from Cape Breton and look forward to being a part of your wellness team!

I’m Sheila from Cape Breton and look forward to being a part of your wellness team! Read More

I used my passion for healing as a way to put myself out there to connect with others . At my earliest age I decided to study pharmacy as to know how medicine works to heal illnesses, and after almost 15 years of study and work in that field , I found many obstacles that couldn’t help in healing, although may worsen it as it is looking to the disease as some symptoms that should be treated or masked without finding “what’s going on there?” .So I began to dig more deeply into many types of healing . I found Functional Nutrition field and really enjoyed it as it looks to what we eat as it is our both health and medicine. Then I found the traditional Chinese medicine interesting like acupuncture and I tried it and found it really helpful without any problems or side effect. I decided to add to my experiences this way of healing, Acupuncture, Tuina massage, Qi gong, dry cupping, Gua Sha and many others. I am still studying and adding to my experience and I’d like to help people with what I have learned.

I used my passion for healing as a way to put myself out there to connect with others . At my ear... Read More

Hello, Welcome to the TCM environment with me. I can speak English and Vietnamese.

Hello, Welcome to the TCM environment with me. I can speak English and Vietnamese. Read More

I am a dedicated acupuncture student with a passion for women’s health and holistic wellness. With a background as a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) and experience as a doula, I bring a compassionate and informed approach to every treatment.

I am particularly interested in supporting women through all stages of motherhood—from preconception to postpartum recovery and beyond. I believe in the body’s innate ability to heal and am committed to helping clients find balance, relief, and empowerment through acupuncture and TCM.

I am a dedicated acupuncture student with a passion for women’s health and holistic wellness. Wi... Read More

Hello. As a student at CCATCM I am learning every day how to live a modern life while also incorporating the ancient wisdoms and teaching of TCM. I am fluent in both French and English, a sports enthusiast and fan of cats. I look forward to continuing my education in student clinic and welcome the opportunity to treat any and all health conditions.

Hello. As a student at CCATCM I am learning every day how to live a modern life while also incor... Read More

Hello. I’m Joshua, a student from Newfoundland studying Traditional Chinese Medicine. I am super enthusiastic to use acupuncture, alongside its complementary modalities, to improve quality of life, and help people to become the best version of themselves.

Hello. I’m Joshua, a student from Newfoundland studying Traditional Chinese Medicine. I am super ... Read More

Hello, and welcome to my clinic! My name is Haihong Zheng, and I am a proud Chinese student of Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM), specializing in acupuncture. Having grown up surrounded by the rich history and practices of TCM, I have always felt a deep connection to this healing art, which has been passed down through generations in my culture.

I am currently honing my skills in acupuncture, a practice that has been used for thousands of years to restore the body’s vital energy, or Qi, and support healing. With each treatment, I aim to provide not only relief but also long-term health improvements by addressing the root causes of illness, rather than simply managing symptoms.

I believe that true healing is a journey, and I am honored to be part of your wellness journey. Thank you for trusting me with your health. I look forward to working together to help you achieve harmony in both body and mind. 余研岐黄之术,感悟经络阴阳之理,谨遵《内经》之道,精研针刺手法,今愿施术于世,以济疾苦。凡身有疾恙,未能痊愈者,皆可来诊。所疗疾症如下:

📌 疼痛管理:颈肩僵直,腰腿酸痛,关节不利,坐骨神经牵引作痛,网球肘诸疾,针灸可疏经通络,散寒止痛。

📌 脾胃调理:胃脘作痛,脘腹痞满,便结不通,或泄泻不止,脾胃不和者,针法可健脾和胃,助运化之功。

📌 妇科调摄:经水不调,经行作痛,更年不适,或求嗣未果,皆可针调气血,以助阴阳平衡。

📌 心神安养:夜寐不安,惊悸烦躁,情志郁结,头眩目晕,皆可疏通心脉,调和神机。

📌 肺气固护:鼻窍不利,喘咳久延,肺虚多汗,针灸可宣肺化痰,补益正气。

📌 形体调控:体丰气滞,代谢迟缓,食欲不节,针刺可畅通脾胃,助形体轻盈。

📌 亚健康复:疲劳困倦,元气不振,阳气不足,手足冰冷者,可温经壮阳,培补正气。


Hello, and welcome to my clinic! My name is Haihong Zheng, and I am a proud Chinese student of Tr... Read More

CCATCM Student Clinic
Located at: 1306 Bedford Hwy, Halifax
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